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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

KSK Tracker

Saturday, November 3, 2007

K.S.K IDOLS (Che Guevara)


Alternate name: Che
Date of birth: June 14, 1928[1]
Place of birth: Rosario, Argentina
Date of death: October 9, 1967 (aged 39)
Place of death: La Higuera, Bolivia
Major organizations: 26th of July Movement

Ernesto (Che) Guevara was born in Rosario in Argentine in 1928. After studying medicine at the University of Buenos Aires he worked as a doctor. While in Guatemala in 1954 he witnessed the socialist government of President Jacobo Arbenz overthrown by an American backed military coup. Disgusted by what he saw, Guevara decided to join the Cuban revolutionary, Fidel Castro, in Mexico.

In 1956 Guevara, Castro and eighty other men and women arrived in Cuba in an attempt to overthrow the government of General Fulgencio Batista. This group became known as the July 26 Movement. The plan was to set up their base in the Sierra Maestra mountains. On the way to the mountains they were attacked by government troops. By the time they reached the Sierra Maestra there were only sixteen men left with twelve weapons between them. For the next few months Castro's guerrilla army raided isolated army garrisons and were gradually able to build-up their stock of weapons.

When the guerrillas took control of territory they redistributed the land amongst the peasants. In return, the peasants helped the guerrillas against Batista's soldiers. In some cases the peasants also joined Castro's army, as did students from the cities and occasionally Catholic priests.

In an effort to find out information about the rebels people were pulled in for questioning. Many innocent people
were tortured. Suspects, including children, were publicly executed and then left hanging in the streets for several days as a warning to others who were considering joining the revolutionaries. The behaviour of Batista's forces increased support for the guerrillas. In 1958 forty-five organizations signed an open letter supporting the July 26 Movement. National bodies representing lawyers, architects, dentists, accountants and social workers were amongst those who signed. Castro, who had originally relied on the support of the poor, was now gaining the backing of the influential middle classes.

General Fulgencio Batista responded to this by sending more troops to the Sierra Maestra. He now had 10,000 men hunting for Castro and his 300-strong army. Although outnumbered, Castro's guerrillas were able to inflict defeat after defeat on the government's troops. In the summer of 1958 over a thousand of Batista's soldiers were killed or wounded and many more were captured. Unlike Batista's soldiers, Castro's troops had developed a reputation for behaving well towards prisoners. This encouraged Batista's troops to surrender to Castro when things went badly in battle. Complete military units began to join the guerrillas.

The United States supplied Batista with planes, ships and tanks, but the advantage of using the latest technology such as napalm failed to win them victory against the guerrillas. In March 1958, President Dwight Eisenhower, disillusioned with Batista's performance, suggested he held elections. This he did, but the people showed their dissatisfaction with his government by refusing to vote. Over 75 per cent of the voters in the capital Havana boycotted the polls. In some areas, such as Santiago, it was as high as 98 per cent.

Fidel Castro was now confident he could beat Batista in a head-on battle. Leaving the Sierra Maestra mountains, Castro's troops began to march on the main towns. After consultations with the United States government, Batista decided to flee the country. Senior Generals left behind attempted to set up another military government. Castro's reaction was to call for a general strike. The workers came out on strike and the military were forced to accept the people's desire for change. Castro marched into Havana on January 9,1959, and became Cuba's new leader.

In its first hundred days in office Castro's government passed several new laws. Rents were cut by up to 50 per cent for low wage earners; property owned by Fulgencio Batista and his ministers was confiscated; the telephone company was nationalized and the rates were reduced by 50 per cent; land was redistributed amongst the peasants (including the land owned by the Castro family); separate facilities for blacks and whites (swimming pools, beaches, hotels, cemeteries etc.) were abolished.

In 1960 Guevara visited China and the Soviet Union. On his return he wrote two books Guerrilla Warfare and Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War. In these books he argued that it was possible to export Cuba's revolution to other South American countries. Guevara served as Minister for Industries (1961-65) but in April 1965 he resigned and become a guerrilla leader in Bolivia.

In 1967 David Morales recruited Félix Rodríguez to train and head a team that would attempt to catch Che Guevara. Guevara was attempting to persuade the tin-miners living in poverty to join his revolutionary army. When Guevara was captured, it was Rodriguez who interrogated him before he ordered his execution in October, 1967. Rodriguez still possesses Guevara’s Rolex watch that he took as a trophy.

In their book, Ultimate Sacrifice, published in 2006, Larmar Waldron and Thom Hartmann argued that in 1963 Guevara was involved in a plot with Juan Almeida Bosch to overthrow Fidel Castro.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The New Theory Of Revolution

The New Theory of Human Revolution
Check This out.!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

MaKe It HaPPeN

KaMi Berdiri Atas NaMa KUMPULAN SAYAP KIRI (KSK), MEngapa harus (KSK) dan Ada apa Dengan (KSK)…sebenarnya PertuBuhan ini AdALah BeTuJuaN UnTuK tidak MenYinGGuNg Atau MeMpersenDakan mAna-maNa inDividu mahuPun Pihak Yang BerKuasa?..Dan Ini AdALah KeraNa KuMpuLan Ini HaNya MemperjuangKan HaK-Hak YaNg SePatutNya ADa Pada KaMI YaNg BerGeLar MaNusIa…OleH itu PerTubuhaN Ini LeBih BerKaIt DeNgaN “perSauDaraAn YanG TidaK MeNgiRa WarNa KuLit,KeTurUnaN MaHuPuN KeAGaMaaN.”.TaHaP KeAdIlaN MaHu LaH DiPerJuaNGKaN SaMPaI BiLa KiTa HarUs DUduk Diam…OleH Itu, PerTuBuhan INi MeMbaNtu SUara HaTi MereKa YaNg seRiNg TerTiNdaS daN TidaK DaPAT BerBuaT APA-APA…(KSK) Juga MeNgaLu-ALu KaN MerEKa YaNg MeMPuNyaI KeBijaKsaNaan DaN MeMilIki SIfaT KeMaNusIan UnTuK BerSaMa-saMa BeRjUaNg BaGi TuJuaN MeMbanTu MerEKa YanG SeRiNg MeNjadI MaNgsa PeNinDasAN. KaMi JugA MaHukAn KeAmaNan KeKaL DaN MaHu MeLuPaKaN NiLai-NilAi YaNg BoLEh MeMbAwA KePaDa KebEnCiAn. KaLaU MaHu DiiBaRatKan..KaMi UmPaMa TuKuL YaNg MaMpU mEmbEnGkOKaN PaKu..BaNtUaN KeMaNuSiaN SeGeRa AkAn KamI SeDiAkaN NaMuN kEmAmPuAn KaMi TeRHaD AkiBat DarIpAda tEkAnaN DaRi PelBaGai PiHaK BeGiTu pUn, UsAha UntUk MeMbAnTu PasTi AkaN KamI BeRiKaN sEraTus PeRAtUs. SeMaNgaT YaNg TeRDaPat DiDaLaM PeRTuBuhAn InI aMat KuKuh daN SeMpUrNa JiKa DiLiHaT DaRi ZaHir dAn BatIn. SeTaKat Ini KaMi BerJaYa MeNcApAi BeBeRapA ObJeKtiF kAmI..NaMun KeLeMaHan KaMi KiNi KaMi DaPat AtAsI DeNgAn KeAkrAbaN YanG kAmI AdA. UnTuK mEnCaRi LaWaN JaUh SeKaLi TaPi UnTuk MeNcArI kAwaN aMat KaMi TitiK BeRaTkaN kERaNa PeRsAHaBatAn YaNg SeJatI mAkA wUjUdLaH KeAmaNan. DiSiNi jUgA mAhU kAmI UtaRaKan PanDanGaN KaMi TeRhAdAp BeBerApA GoLongAn ManUsiA YanG bErPaksiKAn KejAhaTan daN bErToPeNgKaN sYaiTaN aGaR BeRuBAh SebeLum KaMi MenGubAh aNda. JiKa AndA tIdAk mAhu PeRuBaHan BeRLaKu pAdA dIrI aNdA, MaKa AdALah AnDa DisArAnkaN UnTuK mEnjAuhKan DirI AnDa daRiPadA Kami KeRanA aKiBatnYa paSti PadAh dAn MeMbAwA kEsAn YaNg MeNdALaM dAn bErPaNjaNgAn. PeSaNaN iNi KaMi TuJuKan KePaDa MeReKa YanG CaKap TidAk SeRuPa BiKiN DaN MeMbAwA FakToR PeRpEcAhAn DaLaM KoMunIti YanG AgUnG. NoW, See How The WorLd Act oN uS AnD We WiLL TrY To MaKe SomE PeaCe HeRe..PeAcE

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sejarah Penubuhan Kumpulan Sayap Kiri

Pada tanggal 14hb Jun 2007 bermula la detik bersejarah penubuhan Kumpulan Sayap Kiri(KSK)। Pada masa yang sama, sekumpulan pelajar Geografi tahun 3 2005-2007 telah mengikuti kajian lapangan analisis data di Tawau। Kami tiba di Tawau dan tinggal di Kuhara Court. akibat daripada kelewatan kami pelajar perintis KSK untuk mendaftar bilik di rumah penginapan, kami terpaksa tidur d ruang tamu sepanjang tempoh kajian. malahan bertilamkan simen. kami kecewa tapi semangat setiakawan menyebabkan kami gembira tidur bersama. pelajar yg bukan ahli ksk tidur dengan selesa diatas tilam yg empuk dan bilik berakon॥kami hanya berbekalkan kipas angin dan udara yg segar dari luar pintu. pada waktu kajian kami bersama2 menbuhkan kumpulan kajian pada hari pertama. sikap dan keburukan para pelajar bukan ahli telah mencetuskan perasaan tidak puas hati॥oleh itu kami telah menubuhkan KSK dengan sifat benci terhadap cara pengurusan pihak berwajib..kami Rino (yg Dipertua-Keadilan), Harry (Makanan), Rizal (Pengangkutan), max (Hal ehwal luar) chong (Kebajikan) Hisham (Kerohanian) elwin (Pendidikan)...